The Josh Neuman Foundation


#liveagoodstory #livelikejosh

Help the Josh Neuman Foundation continue his legacy of leaving the world a better place than he found it. Please donate below to help provide clean water, food and shelter to those in need.

Make a Donation

Join the Movement

Tickets on sale now for FUNDRAISER IN THE GARDEN, August 11th, 2024. $30 pre-event, $45 at the door.

live a good story t-shirt

August is Volunteer Month!

August 16th is Josh’s birthday! His 22nd birthday, months before he died, he spent volunteering at LA Food Bank! To honor his legacy we want to encourage everyone to join us in making an impact by volunteering at some of his favorite organizations. Below are some of the opportunities you can join us in! Please register below if you want to join us or if you would like us to keep you in mind for future volunteer opportunities!


For information and to register!

Don’t forget to explore our shop for exciting items, including the latest NEUVISION longboard.
Join us in spreading the message of #LiveAGoodStory#LiveLikeJosh and be a part of something extraordinary.

live a good story wristband

What’s “Neu”

Summer 2024

Fundraiser in the Garden

Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 11th. Join us for the 2nd annual Fundraiser in the Garden. Keep an eye out for details coming soon!

Nourish Up

New name, same great program. Loaves and Fishes in now Nourish Up

"Live a Good Story"

The JNF has an article published in the journal for AAEM (American Academy of Emergency Medicine)

Spotlight on Charities


Because 1 in 3 kids in Orange County are living with food insecurity. These kids are at a greater risk for slower cognitive development, obesity, long term health issues, and behavior problems. No child should have to wonder when their next meal will be. With TABLE, they no longer have to.

Feeding America

No One Can Thrive on an Empty Stomach. 34 million people face hunger in the U.S. including more than 9 million children. Hunger knows no boundaries. It touches every community in the U.S., including your own

Feeding America is the largest charity working to end hunger in the United States. We partner with food banks, food pantries, and local food programs to bring food to people facing hunger. We advocate for policies that create long-term solutions to hunger.

Loaves and Fishes

Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays provides groceries, meals and hope through a network of food pantries and as the primary Meals on Wheels program for Mecklenburg County. Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays is the merger of two longstanding hunger fighters:

Second Harvest Food Bank

As a large regional food bank, we provide food for all who need it with a concentrated focus on our most vulnerable populations—children, working families, college students and seniors.

We purchase nutritious food and shelf-stable items—and grow a portion of our own produce—for distribution through our Partner Network, which provides food at more than 300 locations throughout Orange County.


Get running water and a working toilet to every American. Life without running water is more complicated, and more expensive. Yet millions of Americans spend hours each week hauling water from streams, wells, or grocery stores — hours taken away from work, studying, or playing.

They live with a higher risk of waterborne disease, type 2 diabetes, physical injury, and acute mental stress, and they spend thousands each year to get the water they need to bathe, cook, clean, and stay hydrated.

Lifewater International

Clean drinking water and basic sanitation are critical to life. Without them, families walk miles for water that makes them sick, spend their income on medication, and struggle to send their children to school.

The global water crisis impacts 771 million people-1 in 10 people—on the planet today. Plus, 1 in 4 lack access to a toilet, a critical element to overall health.

The good news: This is entirely preventable. We can end the crisis in our lifetime.

About Our Foundation

It is our vision at the Josh Neuman Foundation to “Live Like Josh” by connecting people to help significantly improve the lives of the less fortunate, with respect to food, shelter and water, while inspiring each to “Live A Good Story.”

Clean water

One of Josh’s first efforts was building a well in Uganda. Each well costs $10,000. A $20 donation can give someone clean water for life and even the price of a cup of coffee ($5) can give someone clean water for decades. Be part of the movement!

safe shelter

Worldwide, 1 in 8 people live in slums or slum like conditions.  The gift of safe shelter gives families a solid foundation on which to build the rest of their lives. Our advisory board is actively searching for organizations that we can partner with in 2023!

Nutritious Food

1 in 8 Americans experience food insecurity defined as the lack of “physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets the dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.” A meal only costs an average of $2, so please donate to help us fund as many meals as we can.


Service was very important to Josh. Not only did he donate money, but also his time. There may be many other causes that are meaningful to you, but it is just as important to serve in any way you can. Be part of your community and share your time and, just as important, your story.

Be part of Josh’s story. Be part of the movement. Every dollar and service hour matters.

We Have the Power to Impact the Future of Those Without Access to Clean Water, Shelter, and Food. And We’re Doing Something About It.

Josh inspired people to pursue their dreams and live their passions, but he recognized that wasn’t an option for some people because they struggled to have their basic needs met. He had a heart for helping these people.  In his short 22 years, he raised the money to build 2 wells in Africa, gave out countless gift cards to the homeless, and spent hours donating his time to food pantries. He was closely involved with a homeless charity in Charlotte, North Carolina, for which he gave much of his time.  We will keep his legacy alive by continuing his charitable acts and spreading the sentiment of  #LiveLikeJosh.

To learn more about Josh and his life, click here.

To see Josh’s Instagram page, click here.

To see Josh’s YouTube channel, click here.

Please help us to continue his legacy by donating below, or contact us to see how you can be directly involved in the Josh Neuman Foundation.


Josh Neuman Foundation|11820 Pine Valley Club Drive|Charlotte, NC 28277

[email protected]

The JNF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductibleFinancial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 1-919-814-5400. The license is not an endorsement by the state.

EIN 88-1468551